Category Archives: The Ex

Because I had 14 minutes to spare at work…

I don’t normally like to talk about my dreams too much.  I don’t even enjoy hearing about dreams that much unless I’m being asked to dissect the meaning of them, which can be kind of fun.  But mostly, it’s always a bit anticlimactic – I mean, this stuff didn’t really happen so I’m usually just like “yea, that is a weird dream” and thats about it.  However, I had an interesting dream that I remember pretty vividly the other night.  And I’m gonna share it and you guys will probably be all “yea, that is weird” just like I usually say at the end of dream stories and move on with your lives, but I’m gonna share it anyway lol.  Cubie thinks this one is a bit telling of my inner secret thoughts.

So, the dream starts off with Boyfriend proposing to me.  I don’t even think it was suppose to be in the future, it was like now – just 3-4 months in, but I said yes and was happy, although I knew it was fast.  Then all the sudden it is another day and I’m on a deck in the summertime and The Ex comes up to me and gets down on one knee.  He starts to propose to me but when he grabs my hand, he sees the ring from The Ex and gets upset/mad.  He starts crying and keeps asking “Why? Why would you do that when you KNEW I was going to propose to you!?!” 

I feel bad and I’m shocked to see him showing EMOTION but I just look at him and say matter of factly, “yes, but why would I ever believe you?”

I give him a hug and tell him I’m sorry but I’m marrying Boyfriend. 

Then for some reason, I have a really quick wedding and it isn’t at all how I want it.  And my hair in particular is just AWFUL and I’m SO UPSET because you only get one wedding and mine is just terrible and not at all how I wanted it.  Even my Mom & sister tell me my hair looks like crap.

And then I woke up genuinely upset/relieved over this dream.  Mostly relieved that I didn’t really have awful, awful hair on my wedding day.



Filed under Boyfriend <3, Random Thoughts, Relationships, The Ex

Because I Think This Should Be Documented

Saturday night found me at my best friend’s engagement party.  I was there with my boyfriend.  The Ex was there with his 33 yr old woman friend. 

And I was okay.

Nope, I was great.

In fact, I found myself to be so deliriously happy with my boyfriend that I could not and would not let The Ex bring me down in the least.

And that my friends, is pretty fucking fantastic.

Because I didn’t know if I ever would get here.

And yet, here I am.

The End.


Filed under Honest to blog, Relationships, The Ex


Why does my heart still want someone who is completely wrong for me?  Someone who does not treat me how I deserve?

Why does my heart still think he will change?  Why does it think he can change and be the type of man I want to be with?  

Why does my heart always seem to win in a battle versus my head?

Why is it still hard to ignore his text messages?

Why does my stomache turn to knots when I think about him with another girl?  Why do I still feel sucker punched when I see a girl flirting with him through facebook?

Why can’t I cut him out of my life? 

Why do we have to have mutual friends? 

Why does he need to be at every happy event surrounding my best friend’s wedding in the next two years?

Why can’t the last bit of me thats holding on, finally let go?

Why can’t this story be over?

Why can’t the lingering stop?

Why can’t I just be stronger?



Filed under Boys are Dumb, Honest to blog, My Crazy Thoughts, Relationships, The Ex

For the First Time in a Long Time…

I feel happy being completely on my own…

I have things I want to accomplish and a plan to get them done…

The Ex doesn’t seem to have the same hold over me…

I see situations and people for exactly who they truly are…

I realize that I have issues I need to work out before I can be in a healthy relationship..

I am trying to focus on the positive rather than the things my life is lacking…

I am focused on making myself happy rather than looking for happiness in someone else…

I am looking for the positive perspective in every situation…

I really want to write and share with my blog friends again. 🙂


Filed under About Me, Relationships, The Ex, This is my life

Life. Love. Bullshit.

All I have to say is TGIF people… TGI freakin F!

The Meantime Man I alluded to happened to be M.. ya know, the one I threw shoes at that one time? Well, Saturday night I went out for his birthday and watched him try to make out with our manager, you know – the one who makes guys hate Valentine’s Day. She was all over him and she knew we were hooking up too.

I have to admit that I was already over the situation with Meantime Man anyway. In fact, it was the perfect out for me. I didn’t have to feel bad because trying to kiss my manager right in front of me and my friends is disrespectful and embarassing and thank you because now I don’t feel bad for breaking things off.

Oh and I ended ud up making out with Work Spouse again… I really don’t know how I feel about that situation. Well, actually I do. I just can’t talk about it right now. It makes me nervous and happy and confused and… we’ll talk about that another day.

Tuesday. My friend broke the news that The Ex was coming to Beerfest (this event in Atlantic City that I was really looking forward to) with his g/f and they were getting there own room.

The Ex…

is coming to Beerfest…

with his girlfriend…

and they’re getting there own room.

I’m pretty sure those lines repeated over and over in my head as if a bad dream.


She doesn’t even speak freakin English!


He would love that though, he knows I cannot control my jealousy or tears and I bet he’d love the shit out of that situation.

So anyways, I texted him and he said he probably isn’t going… whew. And I confirmed that his spanish chiquita is now his GIRLFRIEND.

That is ridiculous.

I know I know, this is old news.

But it’s one of those things that even when you’ve prepared yourself for it, you really are not ready when it happens.

I had three mini meltdowns at my desk at work that day – damn The Ex and my lack of sleep and my freakin surplus of emotions.

I’m all better now.

Oh, and Sunday is my birthday – yay! 🙂

Oh and don’t even get me started on The Bachelor. All I have to say is, there is no excuse for breaking up with a girl on national television… even if you’re “following your heart” and you “don’t want to live with regrets.”

I don’t know about you guys but all I’m hearing is blahhh blahhh blahh I’m a dirty tramp.


Filed under Boys are Dumb, Cubicle Life, Dating Stories, Drunken Shenanigans, Relationships, single life, The Ex, This is my life

Well, She Doesn’t Speak English

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my love life is straight up comically tragic most of the time. Really, I couldn’t make this stuff up if I wanted to. Before I get into this story, let’s recap me and The Ex, which is no easy feat. We were together in some way for about a year, it was always changing and always dramatic. The basis of most of our problems was the fact that he felt that he wasn’t ready for a relationship. I met him when he was about 2 months out of a three year relationship and he told me from the beginning that he just couldn’t commit. It was never about being faithful but more the other aspects of relationships. But we still tried to make it work although obviously when two people want different things how can it work? We pretty much ended things in April/May but since then he still tells me he cares about me/likes me/would want to be with me but just can’t commit. Things were over but still lingered. Although lately, I’ve been very strong about not talking to him.

So on Saturday night, I’m out with all my friends at a party which The Ex did not attend. I was around all his friends and it made me miss him. I hadn’t talked to him since I ignored his texts so when I got home around 1am, in my tipsy state I decided to text him. Okay, honestly, I also had a weird feeling maybe he was out with a girl and it was bothering me. When I asked what he did that night he tells me he “went out, but not drinking or anything.”

Hmmm… that doesn’t sound like him… out but not drinking?

“Oh… were you on a hot date?”

Insert his expert question avoider skills here but eventually he says,

“Yes, I was out with a girl.”

Cue the waterworks. I knew he wouldn’t take out a girl unless he really liked her.

Then he asks me,

”So why text me tonight?”

“I was just thinking about you… while you were out on your hot date.”

“Little jealous?”

“Are you surprised?”

”No, but I just enjoy it.”

“That’s really mean.. why would you enjoy me being unhappy”

“No not unhappy.. just jealous.. not unhappy.. and it makes me feel wanted.”

“I know you claim to have never felt jealousy before so I’ll let you in on a little secret.. it’s not a happy feeling.”

”Ohhh, you learn something new everyday.”

Cut to the next morning…

“So, do you want this girl to be your girlfriend?”

“Why would you ask me that?”

“Because I don’t want to be surprised…”

“What do you mean surprised?”

“I mean, I don’t want to hear out of the blue you have a girlfriend…”

“So if she’s my girlfriend, you want me to tell you first, I’m confused, lol.”

“No, I mean I want you to tell me if you’re planning on making her your girlfriend so that I can prepare.”

“Why would you need to prepare?”

”Because for the last year and a half you’ve been telling me you didn’t want a girlfriend and I believed you…”

“Well, I wasn’t lying but maybe you should prepare yourself then.”

“So NOW you’re ready for a real relationship? Obviously, you just didn’t want to be with me then and I wish you had just been honest with me.”

“But that’s not the case.. it had nothing to do with you.”

“You just didn’t want to be with me… WHY ELSE WOULD YOU WANT TO BE WITH SOMEONE ELSE NOW?”

“Well, she doesn’t speak English.”

I’m going to pause here for effect.

Let that sink in.



“That’s cool.”

“Wow, you aren’t even going to ask how I talk to her? lol”

“Maybe there is no talking.”

”No, turns out I can speak Spanish, who knew.” (Sidenote: he has a thing for Spanish girls… oh and in actuality he barely knows any spanish)

“Figured. Well, you knew I was never turning into a Spanish girl.”

”I knew that. Don’t take this all personal.. I really do like you.”

“It is personal. Clearly, you didn’t like me that much, the jig is up!”

“I didn’t realize I was doing a jig…”

“I want you to be happy but I feel really foolish and stupid and it hurts.”

The End.

She’s only been in the US for 2 or 3 months and works in the kitchen of his restaurant. It makes me nauseous that I can care about someone who would rather settle for a relationship in which there is little communication.

When I think about it, I do get it. The language barrier will allow him to avoid the aspects of a relationship he doesn’t want to deal with. He doesn’t want to have a girl get close to his family, check, the girl can’t even talk to his family! He doesn’t have to worry about talking about serious feelings because hey, there lucky if they can talk about the weather.

But honestly, this all kind of feels like a bad joke.


Filed under Boys are Dumb, Past loves, Relationships, The Ex, This is my life, Why I shouldn't drink

Whaddya Think Bloggy Buds?

Over the last two days, I’ve recieved the following texts from The Ex:

Tues, 4:59pm
Hey, how are you?

Tues, 5:20pm
No talk to me?

Tues, 6:26
Maybe it’s me… but if you are ignoring me can you tell me why please?

Wed, 4:05pm
Not cool.. I didn’t do anything…

Really, I wasn’t even ignoring the first two, I was just at work and didn’t have a chance to respond. But then I thought about it and really, what is there to talk about? The last time I saw him (about 3 weeks ago at the party) we fought, he made me cry and he made me feel like I was crazy. And I’m mad.. it’s been 2 1/2 weeks and I’m still mad, not just about that night but about everything.

Anyway, I think he knew that something wasn’t right because he thought I was ignoring him after a mere 20 minutes – guilty conscious?

So… should I keep ignoring him? Should I tell him I don’t want to talk? Should I tell him to chill out, I’ve just been busy? What do you think?

Keep in mind that I can’t just cut him out of my life completely… I will have to see him again since he is very good friends with my best friend’s boyfriend… but hopefully I won’t see him anytime soon.


Filed under Boys are Dumb, Dating Stories, The Ex

Some Resolutions & a Date

Well hello 2009, nice to see you.  Wasn’t it just about to be 2000 and everyone was freaking out about y2k and the world ending… where did the decade go?  Anywaysss..

I don’t like to jinx things but I do have a good feeling about 2009 and on New Years Eve right after the ball dropped they just happened to play “Walkin On Sunshine” which is my theme song at work heh.  I thought it was a pretty damn good sign.

I really don’t need it to be a new year to sit down and think of goals, in fact I’m all about the goals.  But this year in particular I find myself extremely excited about the new year and the possibilities.

My resolutions:

Kicking my toxic habit for good:  I’m done with the drama with The Ex… haven’t spoken to him in over two weeks now and have no desire to.  He is most certainly OUT in 09.  Yesterday, I started thinking about the mean things he has said to me, mean things he did to me.. and I got mad… really, really, mad.  And mad at myself too for letting him treat me poorly for so long.  I don’t even want to be friends with him right now.  The saga is over finally, I can feel it and it feels so good.

Move out… Living at home isn’t that bad but I’m ready to have freedom again, to stay out all night if I want and not have to worry about my Mom freaking out.  I don’t know where I want to move yet, Philly is an option but really it depends on the next goal as well:

Figure out my career direction… I’m still thinking about going back to school for school counseling.  I think about it a lot.  It would have been too rushed to try to get everything together before Jan 15th to go back Fall 09 but I’m looking at Fall 10.  I want to do some research.  I want to talk to a friend who is in a school counseling program and maybe even shadow a counselor for a day to help me make sure this is what I want to do.

Learn to make jewelry… This has been on the top of my things to do list for a couple years now.  It’s time to stop thinking it and find some classes and do it!  Eventually I’d love to have my own little Etsy shop but for this year I just want to start learning.

Lose Weight & Get in Shape:  I know its cliche but I want to lose at least 20lbs because that is how much I’ve put on the last couple years.  But I don’t want to just lose the weight, I really want to get in shape and just live healthier in general. 

Date my booty off.  It’s scary.. there’s the nervousness beforehand and the stress afterwards.  It can be fun and most of the time its frustrating but I want to get out there.  I don’t want to keep looking back on what could have been, what might have been, I just want to move forward.  I want to meet new people, maybe even meet someone nice who will treat me how I deserve.

So the whole dating thing kicked off tonight with me meeting the Surfer!  It was nice, we just did coffee.  It’s too early to tell if there is anything there.  By the time we really started feeling comfortable with each other it was time to leave so we’ll see if we go out again.  I don’t know how he felt about me… he was hard to read.  And just a hug at the end of the night.. he SAID he would call me tomorrow but we’ll see.  You never do know with boys. 

I think another resolution of mine should be to try to control the crazy.  Yea, it definitely should be.  We’ll see.. I’ll keep you posted of course. 🙂

Oh and on another boy note, WS has been coming on strong… I don’t know what to do but I’ll have to save that for another entry.

What are your resolutions/goals for 2 0 0 9?


Filed under Dating Stories, single life, Surfer, The Ex, This is my life

Christmas Lovin’

Merry Christmas Eve loves!

First, super quick update on the boys, The Ex was at the party on Saturday and around 4am it turned to disaster –  DISASTER, anger, tears, totally not rehashing the story right now but it’s led me to a lot of thinking and he is officially cut – cut from MY life as much as possible.  I don’t want to be friends, it doesn’t work right now and I am absolutely done with the games.  I’ve said this before but I can’t do it anymore.  It’s a new year and time for a clean slate. 

There are more updates on boys but I’m saving that for another day.  Anyways, onto the Christmas stuff!

*     *     *     *     *

My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Movies:

  1. Holiday Inn *all time fave
  2. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
  3. Elf
  4. Love Actually
  5. Christmas Story / Muppet’s Christmas Carol

My Top 10 Favorite Holiday Songs:

  1. White Christmas – Bing Crosby
  2. Chipmunk Christmas Song
  3. Santa Claus is Comin to Town – Bruce Springsteen
  4. Blue Christmas – Elvis Presley
  5. Last Christmas – Wham
  6. Baby, It’s Cold Outside
  7. Do They Know It’s Christmas Time
  8. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays – NSYNC
  9. My Only Wish This Year – Britney Spears
  10. All I Want for Christmas – Mariah Carey

My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Traditions

  1. Watching Holiday Inn every single year with my whole family
  2. Making a Gingerbread house
  3. Wearing Christmas PJ’s on Christmas Eve
  4. Grab Bag Game on Christmas Day where you can steal each others presents – my Gma is always so funny during it.
  5. Opening presents on Christmas morning with Christmas music blasting, sitting on the floor with my sister just like when we were kids. 🙂

Couple more random Christmas Tidbits:

  • I LOVE wrapping Christmas presents… LOVE.  But I am a perfectionist and it takes me forever! 🙂
  • I hate the Christmas Shoes song, so much!  It’s probably one of the only Christmas songs I don’t like.
  • Last year I asked for a Nintendo DS and this year I asked for a Wii… how old am I again?

Merry Christmas!  Feliz Navidad! Happy New Year!  Love you guys and hope your holidays are fabulous!



Filed under All Things Listy, Boys are Dumb, Christmas Goodies, Drunken Shenanigans, My Favorite Things, The Ex


This morning I could only remember little bits and pieces of that day. My defense mechanism during break ups is to push the happy times out of my head. So today when I thought back to my favorite date of ours from one year ago, I really had to pull it out of the vault where I’d stored it away for safe keeping. But once I cracked it open just a little, the flood gates opened and it poured out…

*     *     *     *     *

When he first told me that I was all his Dec 8th-9th and that what we were doing was a surprise, I didn’t really know what to expect.

“I like surprises,” I told him.

But I liked being a little detective even more. Eventually, he gave me one hint…

“It will put us in the Christmas spirit… I didn’t know what we should do at first but when I found this, I kind of thought it was perfect…”

I had told him a few days before that I was so excited for Christmas and he had listened. Eventually, he ended up giving me the time “it” started. So like a good little detective, I Googled everything and anything I could think of until I found it – A Christmas Carol.

“Perfect, indeed” I thought to myself.

*     *     *     *     *

I got into the car the day of our date, and we took off…

“Don’t you want to know where we are going?”

“Oh, yes! Where?!”

He pulls out the tickets and I am right, we are going to the play. I squeal like a girl and tell him how excited I am.

“See, you can too plan dates… this is just perfect. Thank you!”

I never did tell him that I figured it out beforehand.

The show was amazing and the town was even better. White lights decorated the streets and filled the air with Christmas spirit. We found a nice little Italian restaurant to have lunch in, complete with a bottle of wine. We held hands across the table and I remember being deliriously happy. I remember thinking – I’ve never, ever felt so much like myself with another guy.

*     *     *     *     *

As we drove to the hotel, he made a silly joke and I let out a laugh straight from the soul. He grabbed my hand and said,

“You know… I think you get my sense of humor more than anyone I’ve ever known…”

And he isn’t the type of guy to just say things like that so it really hit me straight in the heart. I didn’t say anything, just smiled.

When we started getting close to the hotel, I got quiet and my bouncing, jittery leg gave away my nervousness without me realizing it.

He looked over at me and laughed,

“Sweetie, relax, we’re just going to a hotel to spend the night (ed note: this part of the date was not a surprise he sprung on me.. we talked about this beforehand) .. don’t be nervous… It doesn’t mean anything has to happen.”

But I was a little nervous… and a little excited.  I  don’t know exactly what point that day I decided for sure I wanted to have sex with him but I knew it by that point.  But I was nervous… I mean you hold onto something tight for 22 years and of course it’s scary to let go.  But I couldn’t deny how I felt about him and what was I waiting for anyways?

*     *     *     *     *

The seven months of dating leading up to this point had been tumultuous and equally full of fights and laughs.  I think I liked that he could push my buttons, and I could push his.  I guess I always knew I’d end up hurt, but I just didn’t care.  There were many nights to come that I would question my choice to sleep with him but now, a year later, I can say for sure I don’t regret it.  Because I got those butterflies again just by writing this entry.  And I cared about him… well, I still do care about him very deeply.  Even after everything we’ve been through.  In a perfect world, I wanted to be in love my first time… but I feel like it ended up happening exactly how it was meant to and that feels good.


Filed under Dating Stories, Let's talk about sex baybee, Love, Reminiscing, The Ex, This is my life