Category Archives: Random Thoughts

Put a Smile on Your Face…

Just a little somethin somethin to brighten your hump day:

(love me some Tay Tay.. girlfriend is wise beyond her years)

(my new promise to myself)

(Me thinks I need to lay on a blanket and stare at the clouds more often)

(This just simply makes me smile.)

Happy hump day bloggerinis! xo

(photos: icanread)

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Filed under Just to make you smile!, Random Thoughts

Oh hai…

I haven’t forgotten about ya’ll, I promise! I’ve missed you. I’ve been reading but slacking on the commenting, sorry about that but I have been trying to keep up with all your latest news!

Life has been crazy busy for me but very good, I’m happy to report. 🙂

I recently finally buckled down and got myself on track to losing weight/getting healthy. I’m on the South Beach Diet and so far lost 6lbs. Woot woot! I have a longgggg way to go but I’m on the right track and it feels damn good, yaknowwhatImean? 🙂

I went to a strip club with some friends and my Love last weekend. It actually made me fall even more in love with him. Definitely wasn’t really expecting that, ha. But when there are hot, naked girls right in front of your boyfriend and he is determined to let you know that you’re the only one he really wants.. well, hell – how can I not swoon a bit?

I officially have 2 months left at my job. My last day is June 25th. It’s not bittersweet… It’s all sweet. I can’t wait to leave and start this new chapter in my life!

Ok one more thing before I leave you:

Happy Tuesday lovahs!


Filed under Random Thoughts, Tidbit Tuesday

A Love List

After not writing for awhile, it’s always hard to come back. I haven’t written for so long that I don’t even know where to begin. So I decided I’ll just ease my way into things with a little love list because really? Who doesn’t like love lists? They make me happy.

Evan Lysacek – Omg, people I just love him!  I love his skating style, he’s freaking adorable and on Monday night my life got a little bit sweeter when I found out he’s going to be on Dancing with the Stars – my bet is he will be great!

My FAVORITE lotion OF ALL TIME is back!! I am not even exagerating when I say that this was the best news I got all last week lol. Bath & Body Works discontinued this magical stuff awhile ago and I tried to find some online but people who had a supply jacked the price up from $12 to $40 (b/c they KNEW how amazing it was and how stupid B&BW was to get rid of it!) You better believe I’ll be stocking up on these bad boys so that I have a nice supply before they discontinue it again!

The Office – The baby episode is on tomorrow night.  I’m so excited – there’s a 99.8% chance I will cry, lol. I’ve become quite emotional at things such as weddings and babies these days.  Kendra’s Baby Ep – bawled like a baby.

Speaking of The Office, this is My Lovey’s “Jim Face” hehe. Everytime I look at this pic, I fall a little more in love with him. It’s like we’re constantly in a contest of who can act goofier… and I wouldn’t have it any other way. One more shmoopy thought, I love that Uncle Kracker song, “Smile” and it ALWAYS makes me think of My Lovey and so that fact that they are using it on The Office commercials makes me soooo happy. The Office is our show. AND I said I wanted to find my Jim and I did! 🙂

Okay, I’m sorry… the shmoop is over I promise. Something else I’m loving? Four grad applications are totally complete! I’ve already been rejected to one school but it was my reach school so I got over it pretty quickly. Next week on Thurs and Friday are interview days at another school so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Lastly, I turn 25 on Monday! I dunno if I LOVE this per se but I do LOVE my weekend plans. I’m celebrating my birthday with my friends on Saturday night, then Sunday I am going to Atlantic City with Lovey to celebrate my bday & our 6 month anni and then we have Monday off together (which is my actual bday). Oh and also, College Roomie is coming to visit Fri-Sunday so I’m really pumped about that as well!

What are YOU loving these days? And p.s. I missed you!


Filed under All Things Listy, Boyfriend <3, Random Thoughts, The Good Stuff

Because I Still Heart Being Random on Friday’s

It’s Friday, party people!!  Woot Woot.  🙂

After yesterday did a wonderful job of kicking my ass, I am kicking today’s ass.  Or well, maybe The Universe just loves me today.  Actually, it’s a fact – it told me in my note this morning:

Did you know, LMO, that every time you cry there, harps go quiet here, angels stop dancing, and the stars look down in stunned silence?  Which is why we often say, “If LMO ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy.”
You are loved,
    The Universe

See, Universe = lots of love today.  Does the universe send you a love note every morning?  No?  Well then go here and get to it:

I really can’t believe Christmas is only TWO WEEKS away.  Can you guess who’s done pretty much NO shopping?  Who’s that you guessed?  Did you say LMO?  Well then yes, you are correct you smart little cookie, you.  I was off to a terrible start too, as I’m getting my boyfriend a customized Dolphins jersey and I put off ordering it until a couple weeks ago because um, I don’t know, the website never SAID it was on BACKORDER!!!  So anyways, I ordered it only to learn that it will probably take 2-4 weeks to ship and once it does, it goes out UPS ground and takes another 3-6 days to be delivered.  So I crunched the numbers and proceeded to freak out because, oh shit! it very well might not be here for Christmas!  Tear tear.

Well, wouldn’t you know I checked my e-mail this morning only to discover it shipped out today.  Cue happy happy dance! 🙂

I’m really looking forward to this weekend – I have nice mix of relaxation, productivity and fun planned.   Tonight Boyfriend & I are going to go looking for some ugly sweaters for our party we have next weekend.  Do you guys have any tips on where we should look!?  Then tomorrow is all about Christmas shopping and relaxing once I’m done.

Then on Sunday, I’m going up to NY to go to my aunt’s baby shower.  I can’t believe we are going to have a little baby in the family – it has been a long time! like 13 yrs!  So happy for her and can’t wait to meet the little guy or girl in February. 🙂

I bet it will be another boy.  When I was younger, I always wanted a little girl cousin to play with, teach her how to do curl her hair and let her play with my makeup.  I am the oldest cousin on my Dad’s side of the family, then comes my sis who is two years younger then my one girl cousin who is two years younger than my sis.  But she was the biggest brat when she was younger so she did not fulfill my hope for a little girl cousin!  So after her, I have FIVE BOY COUSINS.  Every time one of my Aunt’s would get pregnant, I would pray for a girl, please a girl!  And every time, it was a boy.  I wonder if now, I’ll finally get my little girl cousin, lol.  That would be cute. 🙂

Have a great weekend lovlies!


Filed under Christmas Lovin', I get giddy on Fridays, Random Thoughts

Because I had 14 minutes to spare at work…

I don’t normally like to talk about my dreams too much.  I don’t even enjoy hearing about dreams that much unless I’m being asked to dissect the meaning of them, which can be kind of fun.  But mostly, it’s always a bit anticlimactic – I mean, this stuff didn’t really happen so I’m usually just like “yea, that is a weird dream” and thats about it.  However, I had an interesting dream that I remember pretty vividly the other night.  And I’m gonna share it and you guys will probably be all “yea, that is weird” just like I usually say at the end of dream stories and move on with your lives, but I’m gonna share it anyway lol.  Cubie thinks this one is a bit telling of my inner secret thoughts.

So, the dream starts off with Boyfriend proposing to me.  I don’t even think it was suppose to be in the future, it was like now – just 3-4 months in, but I said yes and was happy, although I knew it was fast.  Then all the sudden it is another day and I’m on a deck in the summertime and The Ex comes up to me and gets down on one knee.  He starts to propose to me but when he grabs my hand, he sees the ring from The Ex and gets upset/mad.  He starts crying and keeps asking “Why? Why would you do that when you KNEW I was going to propose to you!?!” 

I feel bad and I’m shocked to see him showing EMOTION but I just look at him and say matter of factly, “yes, but why would I ever believe you?”

I give him a hug and tell him I’m sorry but I’m marrying Boyfriend. 

Then for some reason, I have a really quick wedding and it isn’t at all how I want it.  And my hair in particular is just AWFUL and I’m SO UPSET because you only get one wedding and mine is just terrible and not at all how I wanted it.  Even my Mom & sister tell me my hair looks like crap.

And then I woke up genuinely upset/relieved over this dream.  Mostly relieved that I didn’t really have awful, awful hair on my wedding day.



Filed under Boyfriend <3, Random Thoughts, Relationships, The Ex

Taking the Time to Be Thankful…

I’m thankful for my friends, the ones who are there to encourage me when I need it, to talk me back from the ledge when I’m thinking of jumping and to calm my crazy thoughts when I go into overanalyze mode.  They are more than my best friends they are my sisters, they are my soul.

I’m thankful to have a boyfriend who accepts me as I am – who doesn’t think I’m a complete weirdo – well maybe he does, but he actually adores me MORE because of my weirdness.  One who does thoughtful things and makes me feel special… all the time.  One who doesn’t make me cry.  One who goes out of his way to treat my friends just as well as he treats me.  One who plain old gets me and my craziness.  So thankful to have finally gotten lucky. 

I’m thankful for my family.  We aren’t perfect but we love each other.  We band together when we need to.  I’m lucky to have parents who put their children before themselves.  Who spent their lives trying to provide a wonderful life for my sister and I.  As I grow older, I realize not everyone is lucky enough to have parents like that.

I’m thankful for the professors and coworkers who are writing me recommendations for grad school.  Life is busy and not everyone is willing to give up their time for other people.  So these people, helping me go after what I want, is so appreciated, they have no idea.

I”m thankful that my Mom does not fully support my choice to go back to grad school.  She wants me to be happy but she’s worried for me, financially and otherwise.  But I’ve spent my life complying with the views of my Mom and its time to make a decision on my own.  And knowing that I don’t have her full support scares me but it makes it all the more important that I stand by my decision.

I’m thankful for The Ex and the things I know I will never put up with ever again after being with him.  I’m thankful that after going through that storm, I can appreciate the great thing I have now even more.

I’m thankful for this blog, my outlet.  The place I let my Crazy out.  My outlet for getting over The Ex.  I’m thankful for my blog friends, the ones I can count on for advice or to write a post that reaches my heart or motivates me or makes me laugh or just puts things in perspective.

I’m thankful for dark chocolate. Weight Watchers. Wii. LOST. chick peas. love. life. laughter. pictures. memories.  movies. having a JOB. having a free place to live. having people who love me in my life. dunkachinnos. finding the courage to take a risk.

AND FOR YOU, MY READERS, on the other end of this little corner of the internets who take the time to read my silly little thoughts.  Thank you.


Filed under Random Thoughts

Friday Smiles!

The weekend is finally here party people!!

I love Fridays (who doesn’t?!) it’s the start of the weekend, I can dress down at work & there’s usually a FREE breakfast (hey, its the little things in life =P ) Moral of the story, there always seems to be a lot of reasons to smile on Friday.

Today, one of those reasons include some recent below the ankle action:

From left to right, Skechers Dark Brown slouchy boots, black & silver Mossimo heels from Target, and finally black & white plaid Roxy shoes from Journeys (best part of those are that the inside is completely fur!)

ALSO! I don’t know if you guys know this butttt… I am slightly in loveeeee with Taylor Swift, or Tay Tay as I adoringly refer to her.  Anyways, I missed her when she was touring this summer which I was beating myself up over.  HOW COULD I!?  And then The Universe heard my sadness and the next thing I know, I hear on the radio that she added extra dates just for me!  Okay, or maybe they said she was having a great time touring and didn’t want to stop just yet.  Either way, this is making me giddy:

I am SO THERE.  I’m marking my calendar as we speak to remind myself to get tickets!!!

Oh yeah, and click away from your Google Readers today if you’re feeling nice, to take a look at my new header.  I’ve been playing around with it for a week now and I think I finally got one I like! Smiles.

And finally, after a long week of work and studying I get to do lots of cuddling tonight which I can’t even tell you how much I’m looking forward to.

While I was looking for a picture of people cuddling, I found this, which also made me smile. 🙂

(we heart it)

Ah, too cute.

So, tell me – what has you smiling today?


Filed under My Favorite Things, Random Thoughts, TGIF

Randomness, I has it.

* I was out to dinner with one of my single girlfriends tonight and we were discussing her dating situation.  She, like me before I met the Boyfriend, has had a string of bad luck with guys.  As we were talking, I remembered a quote I often reminded myself of when I was feeling lonely and like no one would ever be able to love me (what can I say, I have a flare for the dramatic)

Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes… all you need is one.

*  I would stop and think, all it takes is one person to change everything.  One person to understand me and love me exactly how I am.  Insecurities and all.  Someone who will love me despite my flaws.  Not everyone is going to love you, it’s just about finding that one special someone.  I believe that.

*  Today was kind of rough.  I NEVER expected to be so stressed out about applying to grad school.  The majority of the stress is coming from not knowing how I will pay for this.  My student loans already make me want jump out the window, I don’t think I can afford any additional payments.  The only solution – pray hard that I get an assistantship that will cover full tuition.  CROSS YOUR FINGERS EVERYONE!!!!!!

*  While we are on the subject, after lots of thinking and soul searching, I have decided to get my masters in higher education/student affairs with the goal of being a career counselor at a college or university.   I figure if anyone knows how confusing choosing a career/major can be, it’s me.  So I would love to help students figure out what they would really love to do.

*   I was terrified to tell my Mom about my plan though.  I never talked about what went down last year when I was thinking of going to school for school counseling.  My Mom did NOT react well.  Even told me she thought I would be bad at it.  Gee, thank you.  But she responded much better this year, probably because it was obvious I had thought this through very carefully.

*  I had a thought as I was walking to my car after work today.  It was freezing outside and the coldness was biting the exposed part of my feet and chest.  I tried to cover myself better and started wondering if it was ALWAYS so damn cold in October.  I thought back to when I was a little kid and Halloween would come around and I always wanted to just wear my costume with no long sleeve shirt underneath.  (I felt that it ruined the authenticity of the costume lol)  But you know my Mom would FORCE me to because it was usually cold.  I thought about how I’d be so busy running around, having fun collecting candy that I didn’t even NOTICE the cold.  I sort of long for that sort of care free feeling.

*  Approximately 2.5 seconds ago, I removed The Ex from my friends list on Facebook.  I needed to stop stalking him and his new g/f (who is 35 with 3 kids, who he apparently LOVES after a hot second)  I’m not sure how I feel about this.

*  And finally, now that Twitter is unblocked at work (yayyyy) I have a feeling I will be tweeting again so follow me if you would like!! 🙂



Filed under All Things Listy, Random Thoughts, Relationships, The Quarter Life Crisis

Some Odds & Ends

Loveys, I have been exhuasted lately.  I can’t even form any full thoughts today so instead I’m just sharing a few odds & ends.  First, an interesting arcticle I read the other day:

I liked the idea behind this article.  That we should look for “relationships of shared virtue” or those people who bring out the very best in us.  Lately, I have been thinking about how The Ex brought out this nasty, crazy girl in me I didn’t like.  In contrast, The Boy makes me actually want to be a better person and at the same time, also makes me love the person I already am.  I think that right there puts a lot in perspective.

Next, a quote I read on this lovely lady’s blog:

If the picture doesn’t load, the quote is “Be with someone who knows what they have, when they have you.” Le love.

Lastly, a couple things that are making me all sorts of happy these Fall days:

Sam Adam’s Octoberfest & the fact that it’s getting cold enough out to wear my Uggs! 🙂

Do you have any odds or ends to share?!


Filed under Blogs I Heart, Love, Random Thoughts, Relationships, Warm Fuzzy Feelings

Things That Are Making Me Smile Today…

Hearing my favorite song on the radio on the way to work (Taylor Swift – “You Belong With Me” in case you were wondering 🙂 )

Singing at the top of my lungs and dancing in my car to the above song all before 9am.

Arriving at my desk to find out that my manager is out today which means peace and relaxation.

It also means an extended lunch hour to get my nails done and free up my time after work. :0)

Knowing that in 6 hours I will officially be on vacation for the next 9 days!

The fact that I will be roadtripping it down to Myrtle Beach tommorrow and spending the week with the loves of my life! 

The idea of coming back with a great tan and plenty of blog material.

What has YOU smiling today?


Filed under All Things Listy, Random Thoughts